Hopefully the SPAM is gone for now. Sorry it took so long.
Fence at 56th and Yankee Hill
Some have asked what will happen with the fence that was removed at the corner of 56th and Yankee Hill. The City of Lincoln and LES purchased land and easements for the expanded intersection/round-about project. The high voltage towers had to be moved further east into HOA land.
The HOA was paid for this area of land. The funds are in our general account and will be used for future grounds maintenance or improvement projects in the common areas.
Any trees that were removed were also compensated.
We will have to wait and see what the final project landscaping looks like to determine if any extension of the fence will be possible. All of the homes east of the HOA fence have their own fences so it should not change access to the area. The city and county have not made any plans for what will happen with widening Yankee Hill beyond the round-about so it could be a waste of money to make changes to the commons at this time.
Steve Hovland BTC HOA President
SPAM being handled
So it looks like the site has been compromised by spammers. Working on it.
Sorry for the inappropriate advertisements.
-Steve Hovland
Garage Sale 2019 sign-up technical difficulties
The usual map-based garage sale sign-up is currently unavailable due to how Google is now licensing the maps. I am not sure if I can get it working in time for the sales this year. The HOA will be posting the usual banners at several neighborhood entrances. I would recommend posting your own ads on Craig’s List or Facebook Marketplace or the advertising medium of your choice. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Returned HOA dues payments
We have received reports of mailed HOA dues payments being returned with an invalid address. If you have tried to pay and your payment was returned, please check that you used the new address for Hocking & Schulenberg (the HOA’s accounting firm):
Hocking & Schulenberg
3501 Plantation Drive, #110
Lincoln NE, 68516
This address is listed in a yellow box on your invoice but it may have been confusing since the old address is listed on the letterhead of the invoice. The firm moved to a new location nearby the old one in January of 2018.
The board would like to apologize for any confusion. Please resend your payment to the new address.
2018 Annual Meeting Budget, Agenda and Financials
2018 Neighborhood Association Meeting
Meeting located at:
Trinity United Methodist Church
7130 Kentwell Lane
Thursday, April 29, 2018, 7:00 PM
Use east entrance and parking lot if possible.
We will be discussing upcoming neighborhood maintenance as well as past projects.
We are currently seeking new board members to replace members who have left the board or the neighborhood. Please consider helping out.
2018 Neighborhood Association Newsletter
2018 Big Thompson Creek Neighborhood Garage Sales
Annual Garage Sales
Some people reported having trouble finding the garage sale sign up pages. Here are direct links…
The 2018 BTC neighborhood garage sales are scheduled for May 31st-June 2nd.
Signs will be posted at the HOA entrance berms and an ad will be put on Craig’s List.
Thompson Creek HOA will be having their garage sales at the same time so we hope this will eliminate confusion & create more traffic in our area.
Sign up: http://bigthompsoncreekhoa.org/?page_id=60
Check sales: http://bigthompsoncreekhoa.org/?page_id=63